- Home
- Membership
Network members have access to:
- Opportunities to learn best practices from other Network members
- Problem-solving support and guidance
- Liability and property insurance at group rates
- Access to new database software
- Advocacy with DHS
- Annual conference to connect and learn
- Representation on MN Leadership Council on Aging
- Coordination for state funding and legislative advocacy

The Network
Business Solutions
Partnering with DHS to bring custom software to our members. We offer a full service-solution, from implementation to training, to on-going support, and custom reporting.
Aging Topics
Staying apprised of local, regional, and state issues related to serving older adults. Sharing relevant information with our members.
Hosting workshops and trainings to strengthen members' capacity to serve older adults. The Network provides exclusive access to the Live Well at Home grant.
Minnesota Leadership Council on Aging
As a member of the Council, we stay up to date on aging issues and support strong policy solutions for healthy aging in Minnesota.
Common Services
- Help and support to make it easier to live at home
- Support for caregivers
- Transportation
- Social gatherings
- Connect to other agencies
Additional Services
- Homemaking and chores
- Grocery Delivery
- Care consultation
- Exercise Classes
- Foot Care
Find a Program
See which services are offered by your local organization
Becoming a Member
Interested in becoming a member?
Send us an email and we would love to answer any questions you may have and connect with your organization.
(651) 649-0315